You should do two things when borrowing or renting someone’s aircraft. First, show gratitude to the owner for trusting you with their aircraft (very few do). Then buy aircraft renters insurance to protect yourself and the aircraft in case of an aviation occurrence. While showing gratitude will cost you nothing, aircraft renters insurance, aka, non-owned […]
Posts with category aircraft renters insurance (22 articles)
Physical Damage and Aviation Renters Insurance

Liability might come first to mind when you think about renting or flying a non-owned aircraft, but you also can’t forget to protect yourself in case you cause physical damage the plane you are flying. Aircraft physical damage coverage, is an optional coverage in an aviation renters insurance policy and provides hull coverage for a […]
When Do You Need Aircraft Renters Insurance?

Any time you are pilot in command of an airplane that you do not own, you should make sure that you have an aircraft renter’s insurance policy in place, as secondary coverate to protect your liability exposure. The FBO, your flight school, or the person who let you borrow their plane should have their own […]
Things To Know About Flying Club Insurance
Flying clubs can be an excellent way to save on aircraft ownership costs, but they can also be expensive to insure. It is not uncommon for a club to have both seasoned and student pilots. Some clubs have one aircraft, whereas others have several. You can easily see how these factors would impact insurance premiums. […]
Are You Ready For Flight School?

Flight school is a big commitment in both time and money, so it is important to ask yourself if you are ready for flight school before you take the plunge. Get your preparation out of the way so you can focus on the joy of learning to fly. Preparing For Flight School Financially The cost […]
Seriously Discussing Aviation Insurance

Aviation insurance is as vital as any other type of insurance for business owners and individuals who fly. It is crucial to have a good understanding of what aviation insurance covers before signing up for a policy. Let’s look at a few details regarding aviation insurance. What Does Aviation Insurance Cover? Here are some of […]
8 Things You Need To Know About Aircraft Renters Insurance

New aircraft owners and pilots cannot assume that aircraft renters insurance is included with flight school training or Fixed Based Operator (FBO) status. In fact, flight schools and airport authorities provide insurance to protect their aircraft and interests, not their students. Continue reading to find out eight things you need to know about aircraft renters […]
Announcing Mental Health Week For BWI Employees 12/24-1/2

In appreciation of our employees hard work this year, and in recognition of the added mental stress the COVID-19 pandemic has brought to all of us, we are giving our entire staff the last week of this year off. Accordingly, our office will be closed from December 24th – January 2nd. We will reopen fresh, […]
Q&A Event With the Alaska Airmen’s Association 6/25/2021 @ 4PM Pacific

BWI will be on-hand at the Alaska Airmen’s building at 3PM Pacific on 6/25/2021 for a Q&A Event! We will be answering aviation insurance questions for those in-person, and also those participating virtually. In attendance from BWI will be Matt White, Business Owner and Kristen Suarez, Executive Manager. Additionally Adam […]
Aviation Renters Insurance Priceless Coverage For Your Legal Liability

An Aviation Renter’s Insurance policy will provide priceless coverage in the event that you are held legally liable due to your operation of an aircraft that you don’t own. If there were no additional benefits offered by aviation renters insurance, that one benefit would be sufficient to justify the costs. It is remarkably affordable to […]
airplane renters insurance, aviation renters insurance, non owned aviation insuranceAviation Insurance Solutions
Commercial Insurance Solutions
- Aircraft Charter Insurance
- Airport Liability Insurance
- Aircraft Maintenance Insurance
- Aircraft Mechanic Insurance
- Aviation Products Liability
- Aviation Professional Liability
- Aviation Workers Compensation
- Commerical Drones
- Commercial Aviation
- Drone Aerial Application Insurance
- Flight School Insurance
- Flying Club Insurance
- Hangarkeepers Liability
- Private Jet Insurance