Wouldn’t it be amazing if you could get a 50% discount on the insurance for your second aircraft? News Flash: You can! If you own a Cessna 180 or 185 and meet our minimum qualifications Pvt, 750TT, 250TW, 100Make/model, you might be eligible to save 50% on your Second Aircraft when you combine them in […]
Posts with category Aircraft Insurance (123 articles)
What is Seaplane Insurance?

Seaplane insurance covers your float equipped or flying boat aircraft for liability and hull damage. Owning and flying seaplanes is an amazing experience. The freedom of being able to land on any lake or water surface is truly liberating. As fun and exciting as it is to fly a seaplane, it’s also important to ensure […]
aircraft insurance, airplane insurance, aviation insurance, float plane insurance, seaplane insuranceI’ve had an accident in my plane. Now what happens?

As much as we hope to avoid ever having an accident in our aircraft, they do happen and sometimes are out of our control. If you do have an accident, and you have an active Airplane Insurance Policy, these are your next steps: Personal safety first. Do whatever is necessary to make sure you and […]
aircraft accident, aircraft claim report, aircraft insurance, airplane insurance, aviation insuranceAvemco Insurance VS BWI Insurance

Avemco is the only direct-writing, aviation insurance company in the US. Avemco sets their insurance rates, has their own in-house underwriters and also provides knowledge and advice directly to their customers. Avemco underwrites their rates directly and therefore can offer insurance for some unique situations, either under-qualified transition pilots, pilots with multiple claims or other […]
Save money on Vans Aircraft insurance with these 5 tips

Vans Aircraft are fantastic experimental aircraft with a low-wing, aerobatic design and a 200 mph average cruise speed. Considered one of the most successful experiment aircraft with over 10,500 aircraft built. Vans Aircraft are easy and fun to handle, and can get you from point A. to B. quickly and efficiently. We specialize in Vans […]
Cessna 180 VS Cessna 185

The C180 Skywagon was first produced in 1953 with 4 seats and a carbureted 220hp engine, and were manufactured through 1981. The Cessna 185 was introduced in 1961 with fuel injected 260hp then later with 300 hp., and manufactured until 1984. There are now too many STC’c and Mods for both of these aircraft to […]
Aviation Insurance Market Update

The Aviation Insurance Market has gone through some major changes this year. From 2008-2017, new aviation insurance companies entered the market and rates hit record lows. This is what’s called a (soft) insurance market, where premiums are low, there is a surplus of insurance markets and underwriting guidelines are loose. Starting at the end of […]
What is Hangar Insurance?

Hangar insurance is a type of insurance policy, designed to protect your hangar from physical damage. Hangar insurance is based on the value of the hangar and protects against damages by wind, fire, etc. This is different than an aircraft insurance policy. An aircraft insurance policy covers liability and hull damage to the aircraft itself […]
Do I need aircraft renters insurance?

Aircraft Renters Insurance is an insurance policy that covers you while flying aircraft that you do not own. Flight schools, aircraft rental facilities and even your friends, might not always carry sufficient aircraft insurance coverage. If you rent or borrow an aircraft that you don’t own, you might be personally liable in the event that a […]
AOPA Insurance VS BWI Insurance

AOPA, the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association was founded on May 15th, 1939. According to the AOPA website, the goal of the organization was to protect the freedom to fly, while keeping general aviation safe, fun and affordable. In 1992 AOPA formed a new venture by partnering with Rollins, Hudig and Hall of Kansas. The […]
aopa insurance, aviation insurance, bwi insuranceAviation Insurance Solutions
Commercial Insurance Solutions
- Aircraft Charter Insurance
- Airport Liability Insurance
- Aircraft Maintenance Insurance
- Aircraft Mechanic Insurance
- Aviation Products Liability
- Aviation Professional Liability
- Aviation Workers Compensation
- Commerical Drones
- Commercial Aviation
- Drone Aerial Application Insurance
- Flight School Insurance
- Flying Club Insurance
- Hangarkeepers Liability
- Private Jet Insurance